Texas Congressional Support for Local Radio Grows
posted on 5.09.2022- Gonzales Signs on to Oppose Performance Tax
Another Texas congressman has signaled his support for local Radio broadcasters in their fight against a new music royalty proposed by the international record labels.
The addition of Rep. Tony Gonzales, R-San Antonio, to HConRes 33, the Local Radio Freedom Act, brings the measure one step closer to reaching majority support in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Gonzales is serving his second term representing a district that stretches from San Antonio to the edge of El Paso.
He joins 20 other Texas members of Congress who’ve already signed on as co-sponsors. The Lone Star State continues to lead the nation in the number of supporters.
While legislation creating a performance royalty received a favorable House committee hearing in February and is supported by that panel’s influential leader, the measure has garnered little support – especially compared to Radio broadcasters’ opposing measure – and has no companion in the Senate.
That makes it challenging, but not impossible, for House leadership to justify using scarce floor time for a vote as the congressional schedule tightens because of mid-term elections this fall.
Radio stations across the Lone Star State are airing radio spots opposing HR4130, the so-called American Music Fairness Act (AMFA), as artist royalties continue to soar with the addition of GMR to the ranks of performance rights organizations like ASCAP, BMI and SESAC.
A historic increase in streaming royalties collected by SoundExchange has further strained local stations’ operations.
Despite NAB’s repeated invitations to work with record labels on a holistic review of the music licensing regime, the record labels have yet to engage with the industry.
In the meantime, TAB continues to help lawmakers understand the threat AMFA presents to their local Radio stations and, by extension, local communities that rely on stations’ public service, economic partnerships, and emergency communications.
Questions? Contact TAB’s Oscar Rodriguez or call (512) 322-9944.
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