KRGV-TV debuts “Heart of the Valley”
posted on 4.08.2016KRGV-TV, the ABC affiliate in the Rio Grande Valley, has launched a new project to address critical community issues.
The "Heart of the Valley" series will run four times a year, each over a two week period.
The series started this month with an effort to focus on diabetes.
The station is airing stories each night at 6 pm and 10 pm, shining a light on the nearly epidemic problem of diabetes in the Rio Grande Valley. According to the station, the number of adult diabetes cases in South Texas is 20 percent above the national average.
HEB is partnering with the station to offer free screenings, as well as store tours lead by certified dietitians.
Instead of doing a phone bank to answer viewer questions, the station is doing Facebook Live sessions from 6-7 pm with local experts addressing different topics over the ten sessions.
"We are receiving great feedback and have already had hundreds of people screened," said General Manager John Kittleman.
"Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg joined a session last week - he must have been curious about our project."
Kittleman is a former member of the TAB Board of Directors.
View more information on the "Heart of the Valley" series
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Email descriptions and photos to Beth Bobbitt.
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