Idea Starters
posted on 11.06.2014- By Mark Margulies
Just a quick commercial message from our sponsor. 24 in 24 is 24 spec spots, complete with scratch reads and NOW, new business leads, all delivered in 24 hours. And a risk free guarantee. AND an ROI of 2000% plus. Information at http://www.benmaradio.net
It’s fourth quarter. Which means it’s holiday season. Which means, everybody and I mean EVERY BODY is trying to link up with the holiday shopping fever (I swear to you, once I even had to create a ‘holiday’ spot for a funeral home pre-planning program). It means old stale ideas get rehashed over and over. And nothing antagonizes or irritates listeners more than to hear the same tired ideas.
Let’s try fresh from the organic farm to your broadcast table instead. Below are three idea starters for you that can help you create copy that breaks through the clutter:
1. One voice read, male or female. Idea: Letter to the Easter bunny because Santa’s too busy to answer mail.
2. Two voice read. Idea: A conversation with the ‘future’ you, after you got talked into buying something for yourself you really didn’t want, as opposed how happy you would be with client’s product/ service.
3. One voice read, slapstick, with sound effects, British accent, Monty Python feel. Idea: Two ways to avoid giving anyone presents this year because you hate the choices. One-----fake your own death. Two----- live at a friend’s house for a month or until they throw you out. Or-- this year, visit client and find great gifts.
We have others. Give us a call--after all, it’s what we do. But this can be a good jumping off point, to get you thinking differently about the holiday season, and the dozens of ideas you’ll need to generate to make your air sound intriguing and fun. Good luck---we’re pulling for ya.
Personal note: Our condolences go out to the Magliozzi family on the loss of Tom. For years with his younger brother Ray, he was part of the Click and Clack Tappit Brothers team that delighted many on ‘Car Talk’. You were an original Tom-- you will be missed.
- Paul's Motors (:60)
- Mill Creek Metals and Recycling (:30)
Mark Margulies
BENMARadio, Inc
27 years. 105,000+ script ideas. We grow revenue and make you money. Contact us today at benmar1987@aol.com and learn how.
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