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FCC Annual Children’s Television Programming Reports Due Jan. 30

In less than a week, all Texas full power and Class A commercial television stations are required to file their 2022 Annual Children’s Television Programming Report with the FCC.

The deadline to file the reports, mandated by the Children’s Television Act of 1990, is Jan. 30.

The reports are submitted using the FCC’s Licensing and Management System and then are automatically transferred into the station Online Public Inspection File.

Scott and Laurie Flick, attorneys with TAB’s FCC counsel Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman, say the Act requires such stations to “limit the amount of commercial matter aired during programs originally produced and broadcast for an audience of children 12 years of age and under,” and “air programming responsive to the educational and informational needs of children 16 years of age and under.” 

There are paperwork requirements required by the Act related to these obligations.

This is the third year that commercial television broadcasters have filed the report since the FCC adopted changes in 2019 to its so-called “kid vid” rules.

Those changes went into effect in 2020.

What they mean and what commercial stations’ obligations are under the Act are covered by the Flicks in a new Comm Law Center blog post here.  

The post provides commercial stations with guidance as to commercial limitations, core programming requirements, and report filing.

Jan. 31 FCC Deadlines of Note

The FCC and broadcasters, experienced significant problems with the FCC’s Online Public Inspection File this month.  

So much so, that the FCC issued an extension to Jan. 31 for broadcasters to file their fourth quarter 2022 Quarterly Issues-Programs Lists.  

These normally would have been due on Jan. 10.

The extension also applies to commercial television stations’ 2022 annual certification of compliance with the commercial limits in children’s programming, which would normally be due on Jan. 30. 

Questions? Contact TAB’s Michael Schneider or call (512) 322-9944.

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