FCC Announces Sept. 20 Annual Regulatory Fee Payment Deadline
posted on 8.28.2023The Federal Communications Commission has announced a Sept. 20 deadline for payment of its FY 2023 Annual Regulatory Fees.
Regulatory fee payments must be received by the FCC no later than 10:59 PM, CDT.
Although the previously announced FY 2023 regulatory fees won’t be effective until the FCC’s rulemaking is published in the Federal Register, commercial AM, FM, and TV stations may submit payments from now until the due date and time.
The FCC has discontinued the use of the Fee Filer system and incorporated this payment system into the Commission Registration System (CORES). To use CORES, licensees must be registered with the FCC at https://apps2.fcc.gov/fccUserReg/pages/login.htm.
Stations should consult the FY 2023 Regulatory Fees Report and Order for specific information concerning regulatory fee payment obligations, the regulatory fee process, and regulatory fee requirements for payment.
The FCC also publishes guidance with documents found under its FY 2023 - Who Owes Fees and What Is My Fee section of http://www.fcc.gov/regfees.
Station staff should contact the station’s FCC counsel, or the FCC’s Financial Operations help desk with inquiries regarding regulatory fees at (877) 480-3201, Option 6, or email inquiries to ARINQUIRIES@fcc.gov.
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