EAS ENDEC Certificate Update Downloads Needed by June 24
posted on 6.18.2018Texas radio and TV stations are urged to check the status of stations’ Emergency Alert System(EAS) ENDECS before next Sunday to ensure they have been updated with a newer CAP alert authentication certificate.
The update is needed to continue to receive CAP alerts from IPAWS and some other CAP alert providers. It must be installed by 10:45 am CDT on June 24, so stations should act now to confirm that the needed upgrade has been installed. In most cases, EAS ENDEC manufacturers have a software update to download. Sage EAS ENDEC users can find the update at: https://www.sagealertingsystems.com/index.htm
The Sage update also contains root certificates used for HTTPS access to web sites that provide alert audio files. If you want to make sure your Sage-equipped station is aware of future updates, you can sign up for email notifications of such by sending an email to support@sagealertingsystems.com with a subject of "add".
We are told Monroe EAS ENDEC users are being contacted directly by the company which is directing station staff to the following links: http://www.digitalalertsystems.com/resources_fsb.html and http://monroe-electronics.com/EAS_pages/eas_fsb.html. Gorman-Redlich updates can be found here and Trilithic updates can be found here.
DASDEC and OneNet users are advised to get the new FEMA IPAWS digital certificate file and field service bulletin at www.digitalalertsystems.com/resources_fsb.html. There are likely to be two additional certificate updates before the end of the year, one in August for an IPAWS certificate expiring in September, and then again in October, for a change in the Federal public key infrastructure (PKI) which will likely require all certificates to be replaced.
TAB will keep stations informed as certificate update information becomes available.
Questions? Contact TAB's Michael Schneider or call (512) 322-9944.
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