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To Sell the Truth

 - By: Paul Weyland, Paul Weyland Communication Strategies

TAB and I are hitting the road “To Sell the Truth” next week in San Antonio and Dallas! Are you registered? There’s still time!

This session will help you develop a long-term local direct and interactive campaign that advertisers simply cannot resist.

The advertising strategy will mirror the client's own sales methods in his own business.

Mirrors don't lie. No more disclaimers. No more cliche commercials that don't work. No more tired on-air promos either.

My "To Sell the Truth" method allows a station's listeners or viewers a window into the true heart and soul of your advertiser's organization. They see your local clients in a whole new way, as representatives of your local problem solvers, empaths and compassionate men and women who deserve a chance for the consumer's hard-earned dollars. Clients love the concept. 

"To Sell the Truth" gives YOUR local direct decision makers a much-needed new way to differentiate yourselves from the gigantic national competitors. Listeners and viewers are more compelled to watch and listen to the commercials. Your broadcast sales representatives love "selling" a much better broadcast and interactive strategy than they're selling now.

I’ll walk you through how to combine interactive with regular spot buys in a much simpler, easier-to-understand way that makes sense to your clients and salespeople. 

Then, I’ll show you how to wrap up an annual budget three to four times higher than what the client thinks he should be spending, based on his own numbers.

This session is for both radio and television sales people, promotions and production folks. Even veteran sellers say that this session will radically and forever change the way you sell local direct.

And let’s be honest…I’ll have you laughing until the makeup is running down your cheeks and your face hurts.

Seating is LIMITED.  Please check to see if there is still availability in your area!

Questions?  Contact TAB or call (512) 322-9944.

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