TAB2012: Free seminars
posted on 7.11.2012TAB's Annual Convention & Trade Show includes several seminars that are FREE to everyone.
The Convention is set for Aug. 8-9 at the Renaissance Austin Hotel. The FREE seminars will all be held on Thursday, Aug. 9
Click on each topic to learn more and download a FREE pass.
Topics include:
- Strategies for Owning Local Automotive Revenue (9:30 am)
- AJA Video's The File-Based Evolution (10 am & 2 pm)
- Measurement and Management of Loudness and Audio Quality (11 am)
- AJA Video's It's a Mixed up World (11 am & 3 pm)
- Make the World Your Newsroom (1:30 pm)
- Profiting from REAL Time Ad Reconciliation and Listener Interactivity (3 pm)
- Getting the Most from Traffic Systems and Traffic Talent (4 pm)
Each free pass includes admittance to TAB's Trade Show, Thursday, Aug. 9 from 9 am to 5 pm.
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