TAB Webinar Series: Legal Considerations for Re-Opening Businesses Post-Lockdown
posted on 5.11.2020TAB’s FCC counsel, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman, is presenting a pair of webinars Tuesday and Friday this week on employment law considerations in reopening a business post-lockdown.
These sessions are aimed at businesses in general, not broadcasting specifically, but the information will be useful to stations to know individually and to understand advertising clients’ concerns.
The sessions are free and open to TAB member stations and the general public.
In Part 1, Pillsbury’s employment lawyers will provide an overview of the many legal considerations for employers who plan to resume business operations and return employees to onsite work after the relaxation of COVID-19 stay-at-home orders.
The session took place Tuesday, but stations can review here.
In Part 2, a panel will discuss how to address the most high-risk employment law scenarios that may arise and answer the questions submitted during the first session.
This session takes place Friday, May 15, 11am CDT.
Pillsbury’s speakers will cover the following topics during this webinar series:
- Reopen now or wait and see?
- Job accommodations that need to be considered
- Complications of the daily commute
- Should your office allow visitors or permit travel?
- Privacy implications of testing and contact tracing
- Liability concerns and controls
- Risk mitigation
Pillsbury is closely monitoring developments relating to the coronavirus.
You can keep up to date with the firm’s latest insights by visiting Pillsbury’s COVID-19 Resource Center.
Questions? Contact TAB’s Michael Schneider or call (512) 322-9944.
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