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TAB/SBE 2008: Sales SuperSession

How to SELL the Greatest Story Your Client has Never Heard
Presenter: Paul Weyland

Everyone is feeling the economic pinch.

Paul Weyland says the biggest issue he?s seeing now is declining revenue even in local direct ? not just national and regional business.

Local business owners, seeing a decline in the economy, are cutting back on their advertising or experimenting with media other than broadcast.

Weyland's NOT ONLY ready to teach us how to sell more annual local direct business. He's sharing great new ways to prospect and get appointments with local direct decision makers.

AND, he'll be at the TAB Convention on Friday, Aug. 8 for a sales SuperSession! Woo hoo!

Download registration form

The session also covers

  • managing expectations about results
  • how to write genius creative whether you're a creative genius or not and
  • why they need to buy your station regardless of ratings (or lack of them), format or program. 

You've been through Bootcamp - this session goes much deeper into the long-term selling process.

Sellers and managers will immediately get the tools they need to show local clients (in language that they absolutely understand) that OUR plan for their success is better than theirs. 

Once local business owners hear this story, they'll be much more likely to buy us long-term at rate card, and with fewer requests for "added value."

This session is open to all convention registrants.
Don't pay more than you have to!
Early registration ends June 30.

Thanks to Arbitron for sponsoring!

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