TAB launches Public Service Research initiative
posted on 1.19.2016- Nearly $5 billion in community service documented to date
Disaster relief and recovery efforts, school supply and winter coat collections, food and blood drives – all are hallmarks of local Radio and TV stations’ efforts to address some of the most persistent needs in their communities.
Such localism is the bedrock of our industry’s unique role in the increasingly competitive marketplace and it is vital that stations put a value on it so policymakers understand the ramifications of proposals that would harm broadcasters.
To that end, TAB is launching its annual public service research project, asking stations to reflect on their efforts in 2015 and report their good work to be included – in aggregate form – in our next annual report to lawmakers in Austin and DC.
TAB has conducted this research every year since 1998, documenting more than $4.7 billion in public service contributions. This year will be especially important because we can cross the $5 billion milestone! TAB does not extrapolate the data, so we need every station in Texas to respond. Historically, only 18 percent of stations have done so.
Questions? Contact TAB's Oscar Rodriguez or call (512) 322-9944.
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