TAB Alternative Broadcast Inspection Program
posted on 4.13.2014TAB began the Alternative Broadcast Inspection Program in 1997 with an FCC-sanctioned program that upon completion gives stations a three year waiver from FCC routine, drop-in inspections.
The program allows stations to voluntarily participate in a mock FCC inspection to ensure they are in compliance with most of the agency’s regulations. Participating stations are exempt from routine FCC inspections during the period an ABIP is being performed. Many station owners, managers and engineers liken the program to an “insurance policy” or an “engineering audit” that ensures station personnel are diligent about FCC compliance.
Inspection windows open on the date of the contract issued to a station and last 150 days. In the event an ABIP inspector identifies a deficiency, the station is advised of what needs to be corrected to achieve compliance. The station has ample time to correct the deficiency without disclosure to or penalty from the FCC.
The only areas the ABIP does not cover are the FCC’s EEO regulations and the contents of a station’s Political File. The FCC also may inspect stations to investigate specific complaints received and conduct a Targeted Tower Safety Inspection.
TAB assigns stations to its inspectors who then contact a station to arrange a date. Typically, an inspection date is set within the first 60 days of the contract in order to allow the most time for correction of any deficiencies that are found.
TAB's ABIP Inspectors
A. "Ray" Turner
- Retired FCC Field Agent
- 42 years of FCC service
- Owner of Turner Communications Consulting, a broadcast consulting firm
Dick Pickens
- 60+ years in broadcasting
- Member, SBE Chapter79
- Owner of TAB Associate Member Microcom Systems, a broadcast consulting firm
For more information about the ABIP Program, contact TAB.
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