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Performance Tax picture gets murkier with new music airplay bill

 - More Texans in Congress stand with Radio

Two more Texas members of the U.S. House of Representatives have renewed their support for The Local Radio Freedom Act which opposes a New York lawmaker’s effort to force local Radio stations to pay a new performance royalty.

This new royalty would be on top of the hundreds of millions of dollars in royalties already paid annually to ASCAP, BMI, SESAC and now GMR.

Cong. Pete Sessions of Dallas and Kevin Brady of Conroe, both Republicans, signed on last week as co-sponsors of HConRes 13, joining 17 other Texans already on board.

The additions put the total number of co-sponsors to date at 170, still short of the 218 needed to reach a majority.

Radio GMs in Houston, San Antonio and the DFW area are encouraged to contact the three remaining Texans who have not yet renewed their co-sponsorship of HConRes 13, including:

Talking Points

New bill, new twist

A Southern California congressman – Darrell Issa – earlier this month introduced a Performance Royalty bill with a twist on the approach taken by Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-NY, in Nadler’s HR 1836.

Nadler’s bill takes a straightforward approach to proposing a Performance Royalty, while Issa’s bill takes a somewhat circuitous route.

In concept, Issa’s measure would give performing artists the right to prevent their songs from being played on Radio absent a station’s obtaining consent from the rights holder – which presumably could include payment for airplay.

While Issa’s bill takes a different approach, the goal is apparent and consistent with Nadler’s. Considering that Issa is widely anticipated to be the next chairman of the Judiciary Committee, Radio station owners and GMs should be fully engaged with their lawmakers on how any form of a Performance Royalty would affect their ability to serve local communities.

Questions? Contact TAB’s Oscar Rodriguez or call (512) 322-9944.

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