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Negotiations, Newspapers & Math? OH MY!

Sign up today for and get some fantastic on-demand training targeted towards TV broadcasters!

And the best part: It's only $100/year ($250 AUS, DFW, HOU, SA) and only available to TAB Member Stations.

Sign up today and get the rest of 2008 for free!

Ron Steiner has been involved in broadcast television for over 41 years. Staying up with a fast-changing industry has been essential to his core abilities.

His online training topics include:

Account List Management
- Types of Accounts
- Account List File

Selling Against Newspapers
- Newspapers Advertising Opportunity
- Strengths of Newspapers
- How Newspapers Sell
- Key Arguments
- Branding
- Circulation v. Readership
- How Readership is Measured
- Newspaper Readership Scores
- Computing CPM on Readership
- Consulting Your Client

- What the Buyer Really Wants
- How to Create Win Win
- Preparation
- Probing
- Proposing
- After Submission of Proposal
- Post Selling

Business and Media Math
- Using Percentages
- Using Constants
- Ad Agency Commissions
- Averages
- Indexing
- Relative Value
- Ratings
- Homes Using Television
- Formulas to Learn
- Reach and Frequency

And Steiner is just one of the trainers available online - there are seven more!

Don't pass up this opportunity - available to TAB member stations ONLY.

Register today with a credit card and your staff can be training this afternoon!

Download registration form


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