National EAS Webinar
posted on 7.01.2011Nationwide EAS Test Best Practices Guide Discussion
Join FEMA Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) and industry experts in a discussion on the Nationwide EAS Test Best Practices Guide!
In order to prepare EAS Participants for the November 9, Nationwide EAS Test, FEMA IPAWS and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is partnering with industry leaders and experts to draft a comprehensive technical best practices guide on end-to-end National EAS message procedures. The guide will be updated incrementally with the EAS community through webinars, roundtables, and other activities leading up to the Test.
This webinar will provide an outline of the best practices guide and include:
- An end-to-end summary of the National EAS message process
- Corresponding technical best practices from industry experts
- Nationwide EAS Test preparations and activities
- Questions and answers as well as feedback on improvements to the outline
- Discussions on the next version of the guide
Want to contribute to the best practices guide? Please visit A National Dialogue on the Emergency Alert System website: https://nationaldialogue-emergencyalertsystem.ideascale.com/ to vote on ideas and solutions for a variety of EAS discussions.
FEMA, the FCC, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration?s (NOAA) vision for improving the EAS is incremental, which means testing the readiness and effectiveness of the EAS as it currently exists today is the first step. A more effective and functional EAS requires continual testing to identify necessary improvements so that all levels of the system can better serve our communities and deliver critical information that will save lives and property.
EAS Participants provide a critical public service to the nation as the resilient backbone of alert and warning when all other means of communication are unavailable. EAS Participants include broadcasters, cable, satellite, and wireline providers who ensure the system is at a constant state of readiness.
For more information on the Nationwide EAS Test, please visit the FEMA IPAWS website: http://www.fema.gov/emergency/ipaws/eas_info.shtm
When: Thursday, July 7, 12:30 PM- 1:30 PM (EST)
Presenters: Manny Centeno, FEMA IPAWS EAS Test and Demonstration Program Manager; Kelly Williams, Senior Director, Engineering and Technology Policy, National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) Science and Technology Department; Chris Brandt, Subject Matter Expert, Head-End Engineer
Please contact ipaws@dhs.gov for any questions.
Where: Microsoft 2007 Live Meeting link: https://www323.livemeeting.com/cc/eiip/join?id=IPAWS&role=attend (this will not be active until the morning of July 7th.
Microsoft Live Meeting Connection Information
The Live Meeting Client must be installed in order to hear the audio portion of the program. Microsoft Windows (XP or later) and sound card are required. Please refer to the Live Meeting Instructions for configuring your system. http://www.fema.gov/pdf/emergency/ipaws/livemtginstruct.pdf.
Use the following URL to log in to the Webinar: https://www323.livemeeting.com/cc/eiip/join?id=IPAWS&role=attend
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