Music copyright issues could gel in summer
posted on 5.27.2016- New overtime rules unlikely to change
The House Judiciary Committee is poised to condense the vast array of music copyright issues they’ve been studying for the last three years and begin considering action in the coming months. While it remains unclear which issues may be ripe for action, Radio broadcasters should weigh in with their committee members to underscore that adopting a Performance Tax should not be among them.
The committee has held 25 hearings, multiple listening sessions around the country and dozens of stakeholder meetings on music copyright issues ranging from Pre-1972 recordings to streaming rates.
Of all the issues considered, imposing a Performance Tax on local radio stations is the single topic that has garnered clear-cut, majority opposition among Members of Congress in the form of HConRes 17, the Local Radio Freedom Act, coauthored by two Texas Congressmen.
Contact House Judiciary Committee Members
Overtime rules
New labor law overtime rules adopted by the Obama Administration take effect in December and increase the necessity for many employers to pay overtime to employees currently ineligible for such pay.
While Republican Congressional opposition is mounting quickly, the rule is unlikely to change because a measure to undo it will not garner a veto-proof majority in the Congress.
For broadcasters, the longstanding provisions regarding small markets and certain types of positions remain unchanged. TAB is slated to present a detailed briefing this fall for members on how to ensure they properly utilize these important provisions and abide by the new rules.
Questions? Contact Oscar Rodriguez or call (512) 322-9944.
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