Five more Texas Congressmen renew opposition to Performance Tax
posted on 3.27.2017- Five previous co-sponsors still pending
Sixteen Texas Members of Congress have officially renewed their opposition to the record industry’s continuing effort to impose a new Performance Royalty on local radio stations, winnowing to five the number of Lone Star State Congressmen who have yet to do so.
Reps. Kevin Brady of Conroe, John Culberson of Houston, Will Hurd of San Antonio, Pete Sessions of Dallas, and Roger Williams of Weatherford – all Republicans – have supported local Radio broadcasters on this issue in the past, but have not yet signed onto the Local Radio Freedom Act (LRFA) in this new session of Congress.
Radio broadcasters in their districts are encouraged to call on the lawmakers to enlist their support once again.
- Rep. Kevin Brady, R-Conroe – Telecom Aide: Eriade Williams
- Rep. John Culberson, R-Houston – Telecom Aide: Scott Mackenzie
- Rep. Will Hurd, R-San Antonio – Telecom Aide: Austin Agrella
- Rep. Pete Sessions, R-Dallas – Telecom Aide: Jennifer Lackey
- Rep. Roger Williams, R-Weatherford – Telecom Aide: Sean Dillon
Also known as HConRes 13, the Act is a nonbinding resolution expressing opposition to a Performance Royalty. The measure needs a bare majority of 218 to succeed and last session it garnered 234 co-sponsors.
Congressmen from outside of Texas who support the record labels’ effort have been leaning on their colleagues to withhold their support of their local Radio stations by dangling the false hope that a potential compromise between the RIAA and the broadcast industry might be under consideration. No such agreement is in the offing.
As TAB has previously reported, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Virginia, is eager to complete a revamp of the Copyright Act that addresses, in part, multiple music industry issues before his term as chairman ends in 2018.
HConRes 13 is co-authored by Texas Congressmen Mike Conaway, R-Midland, and Gene Green, D-Houston. Texas leads the country in the number of co-sponsors.
Thank Current Sponsors of the Local Radio Freedom Act
Questions? Contact TAB’s Oscar Rodriguez or call (512) 322-9944.
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