FCC schedules Sept. 22 “information session” to answer ownership report/Form 323 questions
posted on 8.25.2015All commercial radio and TV stations (including Class A and LPTV licensees) must file Biennial Ownership Reports (FCC Form 323) by Dec. 2. The filing period opens on Oct. 1.
To help stations meet this important regulatory deadline, the Media Bureau is hosting an “information session” on Sept. 22 at 11:00 a.m. CST.
This session is designed to assist both novice and experienced filers of Form 323.
Audio/video coverage of the meeting will be broadcast live with open captioning over the Internet from the FCC's web page at www.fcc.gov/live
The FCC’s webcast is free to the public; those who cannot attend can view the webcast at a later date at https://www.fcc.gov/events/past
Bureau Staff will present an overview of Form 323, conduct a filing demonstration, and address common filing mistakes. Staff will also respond to questions presented in person or submitted via e-mail (either prior to or during the event).
Submit questions to form323@fcc.gov in advance of the session with “Info Session” in the subject line for all e-mails related to this event.
For additional information, please contact Jessica Campbell of the Bureau’s Industry Analysis Division at (202) 418-3609 or send an email to form323@fcc.gov.
And for those stations still wondering, the FCC has NOT posted a due date or filing window for the commission’s annual regulatory fees.
The regulatory fees are typically due from all commercial broadcasters before the end of September.
Last year, the notice came out at the end of August just before the Labor Day weekend.
TAB will post that information as soon as it is available.
Questions? Contact TAB's Michael Schneider or call (512) 322-9944.
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