Foundation, TAB establish scholarship honoring Ann Arnold
posted on 11.06.2012The Texas Broadcast Education Foundation and Texas Association of Broadcasters have established a scholarship honoring longtime TAB President Ann Arnold who passed away on Sept. 1.
Read Ann's full bio & personal remembrances from broadcasters
The merit-based scholarship will be awarded annually to an advanced broadcast journalism student focusing on investigative journalism and attending a Texas college or university.
The scholarship amount will be at least twice as much as the foundation’s eight other $2,000 scholarships which also are awarded annually.
“Ann came to her respected position by hard work and a foundation in investigative journalism and Texas politics,” said TBEF President Ben Downs.
“She was not born to wealth; she paid for her university education by her own work and through scholarships.
“Knowing that we all stand to benefit from students with Ann’s talent and drive, we are asking Texas broadcasters and Ann’s many admirers to endow this scholarship so we can help other students like her,” Downs said.
The substantial scholarship reflects Arnold’s loyal and committed advocacy over 25 years that helped take Texas broadcasting to the respected and influential position the industry enjoys today.
“She was a trailblazer whose accomplishments opened doors for countless others in the rough and tumble world of politics and journalism, and it’s fitting that her leadership be honored with this scholarship to help others follow a similar path,” said TAB President Oscar Rodriguez.
Contributions are being solicited by mail and e-mail. Secure online donations can be made here through PayPal with credit cards or bank drafts; donors do not need a PayPal account.
For more information on the Ann Arnold Scholarship, contact TAB’s Craig Bean.
Thank you for helping to secure Ann’s legacy by sending new broadcast journalists into the industry she loved so much and championed so well.
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