Ad Council Launches PSA in Response to Flooding in Southern Louisiana
posted on 9.02.2016- Creative community rallies to launch “Our Turn,” directing audiences to OurTurnToHelp.org to donate to the relief efforts
In response to the devastation wrought by the flooding in Louisiana last month, the Ad Council, with creative expertise and support from Austin‐based ad agency GSD&M, launched a PSA encouraging Americans to make financial contributions to disaster relief efforts.
The PSA directs audiences to visit OurTurnToHelp.org, where they can contribute to the short and long-term relief and recovery efforts, providing supplies and services to those affected by the floods.
An estimated 60,000 homes in Louisiana have been affected by the devastating flooding that began last week with more than 106,000 residents and households registering for assistance with the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The tragedy has been called the worst U.S. natural disaster since Hurricane Sandy in 2012.
In response to the tragedy, co-founder of GSD&M Roy Spence, along with his daughter Courtney Spence, Founder and CEO at CSpence Group, and their team at GSD&M, lent their creative expertise to develop a PSA in a matter of days. The spot, called “Our Turn,” includes music from an Austin-grown band, Wiretree, and it is voiced by Matthew McConaughey.
“My daughter, Courtney, GSD&M and I have a special place in our hearts for the people of Louisiana,” said Roy Spence. “We have dear friends and colleagues in Baton Rouge and surrounding areas, so when we talked with our friends and began to understand the magnitude of the damage, we had to help.”
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