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2007 FCC regulatory fees due by Sept. 19

TAB's FCC legal counsel, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman, advises that the FCC has announced its annual regulatory fees for FY 2007 in the Federal Register and set the deadline for payment of those fees as Sept. 19, 2007.

Licensees, subject to annual regulatory fees, must make their fiscal year 2007 payments on or before 11:59 p.m. on Sept. 19, 2007. 

This year, the FCC mailed assessment notices to many licensees reflecting their required payment, but not necessarily all of them. For example, the notices do not take into account any auxiliary licenses. 

Accordingly, Texas stations should not assume that the notice is correct or complete. If a station did not receive an assessment or require assistance regarding the filing of its 2007 fees, it should contact its communications attorney for assistance.

Commercial VHF television stations face slight fee reductions: in top 10 markets, those stations will see their annual fee fall from $64,775 to $64,300, and in markets 11 to 25, the fee falls from $47,775 to $46,350. 

While UHF construction permit fees decrease from $1,775 to $1,750, VHF construction permit fees increase from $3,400 to $5,125. FM construction permit fees remain at $575. Similarly, AM construction permit fees rise slightly from $395 to $400.

Radio station fees either decrease, increase slightly, or stay the same as last year.

Where increases occur, they are generally slight at $25. The wireless fees of general interest to broadcasters are left unchanged: annual fees for Part 74 Broadcast Auxiliaries remain at $10.00 per license. The fees for other wireless licenses will increase; for example, Part 90 Private Land Mobile Wireless Service license fees will now be $35.00 per license.

Regulatory fees are owed for any FCC authorizations held as of October 1, 2006.

Fee payments may be sent to the FCC's lockbox at Mellon Bank in Pittsburgh or they can be paid online. The FCC strongly encourages licensees/permittees to utilize the FCC's online payment system, FeeFiler.

It is important for licensees and permittees to understand that late-payment or non-payment of regulatory fees will result in a collection action (with a 25% penalty) by the FCC. 

In addition, the commission will refuse to process a licensee's/permittee's applications until full payment has been made. The FCC still employs its ?Red Light? database to detect those licensees and permittees who have not paid their regulatory fees in full. 

For more information on the fees, including assistance in preparing and filing them with the FCC, please contact station communications counsel.

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