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Anti-SLAPP Law (Texas Citizens Participation Act)

This law prevents people from being sued for saying something someone else doesn’t like – this includes news reporting. Texas broadcasters agree the law shouldn’t be used in ways to gum up court proceedings for legal matters not pertaining to free speech.  TAB is working closely with the business community to address concerns about the way some courts have allowed the law to be asserted while preserving the free speech protections of the law. (Recent Testimony)

Artificial Intelligence

Broadcasters need legal protections against deepfake images of their trusted journalists and on-air personalities in order to preserve the community’s trust.

Big Tech companies must be legally barred from taking broadcasters’ online content without payment or permission.

Expand existing state protections against deepfakes in political advertising from video to include audio, eliminate the 30-day election day window, and permit the reporting on deepfakes without the risk of violating state law. (Recent Testimony)

Open Government

Local governments are shutting off access to information on how tax dollars are spent and decisions are made.


  1. Strengthening enforcement penalties to include additional training by the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) for violators and securing the right for requestors to recover attorney fees for successful civil lawsuits filed to force the release of information
  2. Allowing citizens to submit informal written complaints with the Attorney General about governments failing to comply with the act and setting a time frame for the government to respond; and allowing for mediation between a requestor and a government agency
  3. Codifying into law OAG guidance that government agencies release information in the form it is maintained, e.g., releasing data in spreadsheet form, rather than converting them into PDFs
  4. Disclosing dates of birth in public records related to criminal justice matters and elections to foster accuracy in public reporting

Sales Tax on Data Processing

Ensure the Comptroller doesn’t create a backdoor digital advertising tax with an overly broad interpretation of the 2023 legislation regarding the taxation of data processing. (2024 Comments on Comptroller Rulemaking)

UIL – High School Sports Playoff Coverage

Ensure that broadcasters covering regular season high school sports are permitted to continue that work in playoff games independent of any partner the UIL sanctions for playoff games. (Issue Overview)

Aerial Newsgathering

Ensure state law permits the use of drones in newsgathering just as helicopters are permitted in order to enhance safety and reduce costs for professional journalists. (SCOTUS Amicus Brief)

Non-Profit Media

Preserve authority for higher education institutions and state governmental entities to enter into media partnerships with non-profit media organizations such as non-commercial Radio and TV stations.

Questions?  Contact Oscar Rodriguez or call (512) 322-9944.