Individual Benefits
The Texas Association of Broadcasters is pleased to offer INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP to any persons interested in careers in the broadcast industry, students or educators in broadcasting and communication programs and employees of broadcast stations. Dues are $45/year.
Individual Member benefits include*:
- Subscription to the TABulletin, TAB’s weekly electronic newsletter
- Access to the Texas Broadcast Directory and TAB Associate Member Directory
- Discounted rates to attend all TAB events, including the Annual TAB Convention & Trade Show, as well as regional seminars -- the ideal events for networking!
- Member rate to subscribe to P1 Learning - TAB’s 24/7 online sales training program
- ... and much more!
Questions? Contact TAB or call (512) 322-9944.
* Individuals are not eligible to post radio or TV station job openings in TAB's Job Bank, exhibit in TAB's Trade Show or view TAB's Legal and Political Guides.