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Post Your Resume

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JOB SEEKERS: fill out the form below to post your resume in the TAB Job Bank.

Resume Bank Rules:

  • DO NOT INCLUDE any personal information you would not want listed publicly on the Internet (SSN, cell/home phone, etc).
  • DO NOT paste a table in the Resume Body box
  • Resumes may not include disparaging remarks about former or current employers or co-workers. TAB reserves the right to remove posted resumes that contain content it considers inappropriate or unrelated to seeking a job in the Texas broadcast industry.
  • Using the form below, you will have the opportunity to upload a copy of your resume.
  • Please think carefully about the information you include on your resume. If you choose to remove your resume at some point AND have uploaded a resume file, please email TAB to have the document removed from our server. Please include your full name and/or name of the uploaded file.
  • If you do NOT email us to delete your uploaded resume, we won't know you want it removed - and your information will be available via any search engines.
  • View TAB's Privacy Policy

I have reviewed the rules above and agree to TAB’s Privacy Policy.

e.g: 555-555-5555

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